The 1998 Mercedes Benz E 320 T is a car owned by Carmela Soprano.
The car is first seen in Season 1, and it's used for most of the series. Tony drives it sometimes. In earlier seasons a 1998 (pre-facelift) model is usually used. By season 5, a post-2000 facelift model E320 is used for all the scenes featuring Carmela's car.
Season 1[]
It first appears in The Legend of Tennessee Moltisanti, when Carmela drives it to Green Grove. Carmela gets it to replace the 1994 Mercedes-Benz.
Season 2[]
Meadow was driving it when she still had her permit, on the way to visit Grandma in the hospital in Guy Walks into a Psychiatrist's Office. AJ tries driving it before he was even old enough to have a license in D-Girl. When he makes a sharp turn, he crashes a parked truck, leaving several scratches and a broken side rear view mirror. When Carmela tries to get it out of the garage, the broken mirror falls off. AJ gets in trouble. Tony and AJ take the damaged car to Salvatore Bonpensiero’s Auto Body shop to get it fixed.
Season 5[]
AJ practices driving it on the driveway when he first gets his license in the episode All Happy Families...
External links[]
2000 Mercedes Benz at