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The Barese Crew is a crew within the DiMeo crime family. It is one of the four active crews left in the family.

Lorenzo Barese's Reign[]

The origins of the crew are never stated, though it is likely Lorenzo "Larry Boy" Barese either founded the crew or inherited it from a relative as it bears his name. Identified as the largest crew in the family, they were known to be involved in calling card scams, drug trafficking, pornography production, sports betting, and waste management.

In 1999, Corrado "Junior" Soprano was elected boss of the family, he, however, quickly became very unpopular among the captains, Larry included. A Barese Crew associate and drug dealer known as "Rusty Irish" had sold drugs to the grandson of Junior Soprano's tailor, while under the influence of the drugs, the boy committed suicide. Upon finding out, Junior Soprano ordered the murder of Rusty Irish, who was thrown off the Paterson Falls bridge to his death by Junior's men. Larry was extremely resentful of this action, as Rusty Irish had been his biggest earner, especially during football season, feeling also that Junior should have checked in with him before ordering the killing. The same year, a massive indictment primarily focused on telephone calling card scams and stock fraud was passed down by the government, among those named was Larry, who was soon arrested and put on trial. Aside from Junior and Joseph Sasso. 13 other mob figures were arrested in the sweep. It can be assumed that some of the arrested were part of or associated with the Barese Crew.

After his arrest, Albert "Ally Boy" Barese was promoted to acting-captain of the Barese Crew.

Albert Barese's Reign[]

Albert Barese was promoted to acting-captain of the Barese Crew following his cousin's arrest, and by this time, the Barese Crew was the biggest in the family. In 2000, Aprile Crew captain Richard "Richie" Aprile approached Albert about moving against street boss Anthony "Tony" Soprano, using Albert's unsuccessful attempt to gain control of the Fairfield Township hauling contracts from Tony for his cousin Larry as a reasoning. However, Albert declined Richie's proposition, refusing to make a move against Tony Soprano. Later, when discussing his plans with Junior Soprano, Richie vowed to have Larry Barese killed too, stating that he 'had friends in federal holding that would like nothing better than to take that weak fuck out'. These plans, however, never materialized as Richie Aprile was murdered by his fiancée. In 2001, the Barese Crew was involved in a dispute with the Aprile Crew over the Raritan Township hauling contract, engaging in retaliatory attacks torching each other's sanitation trucks and dumpsters. The war soon began gaining public attention and was picked up by newspaper outlets, eventually leading to a meeting where the conflict was settled. By 2002, Albert Barese was noted as being a very high earner, showcasing the Barese Crew's success.

After a lengthy court battle, Larry Barese was eventually released from custody and put under house arrest following a mistrial, where he re-assumed control from his cousin, and continued to run the Barese Crew, until his arrest in 2007 for breaching the terms of his house arrest.


After his arrest, it was speculated that Larry Barese was cooperating with the government after the FBI began excavating the house where Tony Soprano had killed bookmaker Willie Overall in 1982. However, it was later revealed that Larry Barese had fingered late acting-boss Giacomo "Jackie" Aprile, Sr. After being found out, he falsely accused Jackie Aprile as the murderer in order to save Tony and accomplice Peter "Paulie" Gualtieri from persecution.

With Larry Barese in federal custody, it can be assumed that Albert Barese took over the crew once again from his cousin.

Known Members[]
