Reverend James Jr. is a supporting character portrayed by Gregory Alan Williams. He is an African-American activist who protests the lack of jobs given to African-American workers at a construction site owned by Jack Massarone of Massarone Bros. Construction.
He is first seen protesting outside one of Jack Massarone's construction yards because of the lack of jobs given to African-American workers. The Reverend is protesting with his father; Reverend James Sr. and a collective of supporters. This protest halts work on the yard as trucks carrying supplies cannot get through.
Jack Massarone goes to DiMeo crime family boss Tony Soprano for help breaking up the protest. Tony extorts money from Jack but agrees to help him. Later at the site while the Reverend is protesting, two cars of wiseguys pull up and a fight ensues among the African-American protesters and the DiMeo wiseguys.
Later on that day, Tony meets with Reverend James Jr. at the wake of his father. Reverend James Jr. has been taking bribes and no show jobs from the DiMeo boss, unbeknownst to the other protesters. Tony gives Reverend James his cut for the bust up at Massarone's yard.