The Sopranos Wiki

"Walk Like A Man" is the 5th episode of Part 2 and 17th overall episode of Season 6 of the HBO original series The Sopranos. It is the 82nd overall episode of the series. Written and directed by Terence Winter, it originally aired on May 6, 2007.

Episode cast[]

* = credit only

Guest starring[]

Episode recap[]

A.J. struggles with depression over his breakup with Blanca. He quits his job at the pizzeria, sulks around the house, and disturbs Meadow with suicidal comments. Tony and Carmela disagree about how to help A.J. They each try to have encouraging and consoling talks with him, but to no avail. In a psychotherapy session with Dr. Melfi, Tony tells her he has been once again seriously contemplating quitting therapy for good, but the situation with A.J.'s behavior has stopped his plans. Tony gets teary as he tells Melfi he blames himself for what he believes is a hereditary condition of depression in his family he passed over to his son.

For lack of better options, Tony and Carmela assign A.J. to a therapist who prescribes an antidepressant. After Tony notices Carlo and Patsy proudly talking about their sons, he tells the young men to invite A.J. to hang out with them. On his father's orders, A.J. goes to a party at the Bada Bing with "the two Jasons" – Jason Gervasi and Jason Parisi. As he accompanies them from one party to another, he begins to associate with a profitable sports betting business they are running at school. At one frat party, they use A.J.'s SUV to take a gambler into the woods and torture him by pouring sulfuric acid on his toes while A.J. helps hold him down. Carmela and Tony are content to find that A.J. is becoming more outgoing and spends less time at home.

Christopher and Paulie sell stolen power tools through the hardware store owned by Chris' father-in-law, Al. However, Paulie takes offense when Chris refuses to toast to the successful venture with alcohol and berates him for his weakness handling addictive substances. When FBI Agents Harris and Goddard visit Satriale's, Tony decides to provide them info on Ahmed and Muhammad after being told that aiding the Bureau in fighting terrorism could earn him a reduced sentence if he were ever convicted of a crime. At a barbecue, Tony tells Chris how his absence from Soprano family gatherings could be seen as a lack of commitment. Chris reminds him that he is avoiding such meetings to keep his sobriety. Tony claims Chris has to “show some balls” and return to family gatherings. Chris responds by claiming that his addiction is an illness passed drown from his parents. Tony disagrees, calling the illness notion “bullshit”, but Chris insists that his father was a junkie and a drunk, leaving Tony puzzled with this new knowledge.

Little Paulie and Jason Molinaro break into the hardware store and steal some items, which they sell to Paulie's Cuban contacts from Miami. Chris confronts Paulie and demands compensation, but Paulie throws him out of his house. Tony brushes off Chris' protests. Chris finds himself increasingly sidelined in the family, with Bobby apparently taking his position in Tony's inner circle. After venting his frustration at an AA meeting, he tells another AA member that there was a woman he had to sacrifice for Tony, saying that that exact moment was when his and Tony's relationship became permanently poisoned. When Little Paulie continues to steal from the hardware store, Chris finds him at a poker game and throws him out of a window. Little Paulie survives the incident with six broken vertebrae. Tony harshly reprimands Chris, while Paulie vandalizes his front garden with his Cadillac CTS. Chris' wife, Kelli, is shaken by the ordeal.

Tony mediates peace between Chris and Paulie, and the money situation is worked out between them. The two reconcile their differences at the Bing, where Chris takes alcohol to mark the occasion. Chris becomes drunk and rambles about his daughter, causing an amused Paulie to make some off-color jokes about her. Chris believes the group is mocking him and abruptly leaves. Looking for someone to pour his heart out to, he decides to visit J.T. However, J.T. is unenthusiastic about listening to Chris and is offended when he mentions that he "let" him write Cleaver. He attempts to tell J.T. about Adriana and Ralphie, but J.T. requests that he be kept in the dark because Chris is "in the Mafia." With this remark, Chris shoots and kills J.T. before leaving. Tony and A.J. both return home late and find Carmela and Meadow having a late night snack. Meanwhile, Chris arrives at his residence, walks through his ravaged front yard, and staggers into the house.

